Michael Jackson has influences like any human being. But he brought together several arts in a unique way 🙌🏾! And revolution the show world! He is the best! He is a LEGEND 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
They did when they were hot - Shabba Doo & Turbo were on top of the world in the mid 80s, so to think or say that breakdancers weren't given their just dues clearly be bc u weren't around yet or was just way too young at the time to see it bc it was definitely there.
there's a reason why mj was popular and they weren't even near as popular as him. He had style, it wasn't that no one could replicate him, when michael did it, it was different
No Michael borrowed heavily FROM Turbo and the rest of the B-boy community. Sorry but MJ Moonwalked on a slick surface with penny loafers, but Turbo Moonwalked on the streets in a pair of Nikes. It looked much better than MJ.
They did when they were hot - Shabba Doo & Turbo were on top of the world in the mid 80s, so to think or say that breakdancers weren't given their just dues clearly be bc u weren't around yet or was just way too young at the time to see it bc it was definitely there.
We all know now that in the early mid-80s, MJ was looking for a new identity. He saw the popping movement as his ticket. Boogaloo taught MJ, and then MJ mastered it. Now watch MJ's performances and you can see where he learned it from initially.
Oh ok cool, well if u're "stuck in the 90," just imagine how much fun u would have if u were stuck in the 80s when Turbo & Shabba Doo were on top of the 🌎
【Boogaloo Shrimp - Interview (Jan 20, 2014)】 ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー Our first meeting was very interesting. A local news show called Eye In L.A featured a segment on street dancing and this new sub culture that was happening in the city in the early 80s. And I was featured on this segment along with some other street dancers. A lady called Susan Scanlan, who had been working on this TV programme, knew the Jackson family. She told Pop N Taco and I, who was also on the segment, that Michael Jackson would like to meet us. I was just 14 at the time. ボクたちの初対面はとても興味深いよ。『Eye In L.A』 というローカルニュース番組がストリートダンスと80年代初頭に街で起きていた、この新しいサブ・カルチャーを特集したんだ。ボクは他のストリート・ダンサーたちと一緒に、この特集に出演したんだけど、このテレビ番組で働いていたスーザン・スキャンランという女性がジャクソン・ファミリーの知り合いだった。その特集に一緒に出演したポッピング・タコとボクにマイケル・ジャクソンが会いたがっていると、彼女が言ったんだ。その時はボクはまだ14歳だった。 We ended up going to the house, and it was kind of like an audition. We got there and the whole family was there. Michael introduced himself and then took us to a rehearsal room they had in the house, and as we were dancing I saw Joe Jackson whispering to Michael on the side, and I’m sure he told him: ‘you know what? These guys are the next big thing and you need to have them as your personal coaches’. ボクたちは彼の家に行くことになったんだけど、オーディションみたいなものかな。ボクたちが家に着いた時には、彼の家族が全員いた。マイケルは自己紹介をして、家の中にあるリハーサル・ルームにボクたちを連れて行ったんだ。そして、ボクたちが踊ってる時に、横にいるマイケルに小声で話すジョー・ジャクソンをボクは見た。 『わかるか?こいつらは次のブームになるから、こいつらをお前のパーソナル・コーチにしろ。』 って彼は言ったはずだよ。 When he did the Motown special, he worked with Jeffery Daniels, Cooley Jackson and Casper. Right after that show, I had been working out with him and he was looking to make his solo bigger. So if you go online and look at the Victory tour, which was directly after Motown 25, you will see the change in that solo. My move that you see, is when he does the Billie Jean solo, and he is stationary, doing the moonwalk in a circular flow, he doesn’t just goes backwards - that’s floating. モータウン・スペシャルをやった時は、彼はジェフリー・ダニエル、クーリー・ジャクソン、キャスパーと練習をしていた。あのショーのすぐ後にボクは彼と練習してたんだけど、彼はソロ・パフォーマンスの幅を広げようとしていた。モータウン25のすぐ後のビクトリー・ツアーをインターネットで見れば、あのソロ・パフォーマンスに変化が見えるはずだよ。彼がビリー・ジーンのソロをやる時にボクの動きを見て取れるけど、彼は同じ場所で浮かんだように回転するムーンウォークをやるだろ。ただ後ろに進むんじゃなくて。あれがフローティングだよ。 Michael Jackson always loved the robot. He used to do it in the 70s but I had an updated version, and he really loved that and he wanted to master my version of the robot. So him mixing those two styles, it gave him more to play with on his solos. I was always called in as like a creative consultant for his solos. Other dancers worked with him for his choreography, but I worked with him on his solos. マイケル・ジャクソンはいつもロボットが大好きだった。彼は70年代にやっていたけど、ボクは最新バージョンを持っていて、彼はボクのバージョンのロボットをマスターしたがってたんだ。その2つのスタイルをミックスすることによって、彼のソロ・パフォーマンスの幅が広がったんだ。彼のソロ・パフォーマンスのクリエイティヴィティに関する相談役のような感じで、いつもボクは彼に呼ばれていたよ。他のダンサーたちは彼の振り付けの仕事をしていたけど、ボクは彼のソロ・パフォーマンスのための仕事をしていたんだ。 I worked with him from 1983 till about 1991, whenever his scheduled permitted. But he was such as genius and master of dance that we really didn’t have to work out that long. We would practiced for like an hour or so and ‘boom’ he got it. He did a lot of filming and I often wonder what happened to those tapes and whether they will ever surface. 1983年から1991年まで彼と練習した。彼のスケジュールが空いた時にね。でも彼は天才的なダンスの達人だったから、ボクたちはそんなに長く練習する必要はなかったよ。ボクたちは1時間ほど練習したら 『boom』 って感じで、彼は習得したんだ。彼はよく撮影してたんだけど、あのテープたちはどこに行っちゃったんだろうって、ボクはしょっちゅう思うんだ。いまだに日の目を見てないし。 So for 15 years I didn’t really push the issue publicly coz the whole thing about teaching Michael was to contribute to him being the greatest performer, and that’s exactly what I did. If anybody would have come out at that time and said, ‘yeah, I’m the guy behind Michael Jackson’, it would have taken credit away from him. He accomplished exactly what he wanted to do and that was to be known as one of the world’s greatest performers. Period. During that it was the people that really cared about him and respected him, that were like ‘okay, we know what we know, just let the man do what he’s gotta do’. So you didn’t hear Jeffery Daniels back then saying he taught Michael Jackson. You didn’t hear anything like that. It was years later. 15年間、このことについてボクが公に語らなかったのは、マイケルに教えたことのすべては、最も偉大なパフォーマーとしての彼への貢献だったから。それがボクがやったことだよ。もし、あの頃に誰かが表に出て、『そうだよ。ボクがマイケル・ジャクソンの後ろにいる男だよ。』 なんて言ったら、彼からクレジットが奪い去られてしまうだろ。この世で最も偉大なパフォーマーの一人として知られるために、彼はやりたいことを完全にやり遂げた。そういうことだよ。彼のことを気にかけて、彼のことを尊敬している人たちは、『いいよ。オレたちはわかってるんだから。彼の好きなようにやらせておけよ。』 っていう感じだった。だから、ジェフリー・ダニエルがマイケル・ジャクソンに教えていたなんて話を聞いたことないでしょ。そんなことは何も聞いてないでしょ。それはずっと後のことだよ。 It did hurt me at times, as there were moments when I really needed it, like when I was looking around for work… And there were opportunities for it to be put out there. Like when Michael did that interview with Oprah Winfrey back in 1993, she specifically asked him, ‘Michael, who taught you the moonwalk?’ And he said he had been working three kids in the ghetto, three different dancers. And then he said he perfected it. That was a chance for him to let us all shine as co-contributors, but he kind of skipped over it (laughs). I guess he felt he didn’t need to name us publicly since we were already known in our own right. But I’m glad that stuff is starting to come out. I see a lot of artists who used to work with him stepping out of the shadows, and it helps me to get work and be acknowledged by a lot of people who looked up to Michael. 時々、つらかったよ。ボクが仕事を求めてあちこち歩き回っていた頃なんかは、つらい時があった。表舞台に出る機会があったはずなんだけど。例えば、1993年にマイケルがオプラ・ウィンフリーとやったインタビューで、彼女が 『マイケル、誰があなたにムーンウォークを教えたの?』 って聞いた時なんか。でも、彼はゲットーの3人の子供たち、3人のダンサーたちと練習したって言った。そして、彼がそれを完成させたと言ったんだ。あれはボクたち全員を貢献者として光り輝かせる彼のチャンスだったのに、彼はそれを無視したんだ。すでにボクたちは個別に知られていたから、彼はボクたちの名前を公に言う必要はないと思ったんじゃないかな。でも、そういう事実が表に出始めていることが、ボクは嬉しいんだ。彼と仕事をしていたアーティストたちが陰から出て来るのが見えるし、それによってボクは仕事が得られるようになって、マイケルを尊敬していたたくさんの人たちに知られるようなったんだ。 I didn’t push the issue because I didn’t have the right representation, but I also didn’t say too much as I wanted to keep the working relationship with these artists. But if I did have a manager they definitely would have pushed for me to get more credit. But I guess all I can do now is speak on it and hopefully help younger artists. The best thing I can say to them is when you work with known artists, go in with representation so you can at least come out of that job and put it on your resume, and as a result be able to raise the amount you get paid. ちゃんとした法的な契約がなかったから、強く言わなかった。でも、アーティストたちと仕事の関係を持続させたいから、あまり言わなかったってこともあるかな。もしボクにマネージャーがいたら、もっとクレジットを得るように、ボクのためにプッシュしていたに違いないよ。若いアーティストたちの役に立つためにボクができることは、それについて話をすることぐらいかな。ボクが彼らに言える最も役立つことといえば、有名なアーティストと仕事をする時は、法的な代理人を伴って契約するということだね。そうすれば少なくとも、その仕事を辞めたら、それを履歴書に書くことができるんだ。結果的に、受け取れる金額を上げることもできるしね。 www.imisstheoldschool.com/archives/michael-chambers/
Beautiful Mind Thriller (Michael Jackson album) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thriller_(Michael_Jackson_album) Singles from Thriller (Release date) 1."The Girl Is Mine" Released: October 18, 1982 2."Billie Jean" Released: January 2, 1983 3."Beat It" Released: February 14, 1983 4."Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" Released: May 8, 1983 5."Human Nature" Released: July 3, 1983 6."P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" Released: September 19, 1983 7."Thriller" Released: January 23, 1984 Thriller was the last single. And the video was released in Nov 1983.
Beautiful Mind >> the Robot dance Michael always was doing these dances since 70s he is the inventor Robot (dance) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_(dance) The robot was created in 1967. Roboting gained fame after Michael Jackson used the dance when he performed "Dancing Machine" with his brothers
Beautiful Mind Jeffery Daniel "At the Motown 25th when he did the Billie Jean, that's the first time Michael did it." ruclips.net/video/JY7Yw_njF0k/видео.html So where is the video that shows MJ's Moonwalk before Motown 25?
Ashu Bhatt greatest freestyle dancer?.....no....just no. He was so repetitive and half of his dances he was taught as an adult...... Nowhere near the greatest.
I'm a big MJ fan, but I'll admit, MJ was very repetitive. Every concert and show pretty much had the same choregraphy. For example his Dangerous routine.
Rockville Md 1985 - 86 popping breakdancing competitions at White Flint Mall and Congressional plaza ,off Rockville Pike, 15 minutes from DC back in the day!!
Como fã de Michael Jackson ele era, o tipo de cara que aperciova os erros,os desqualidade de outros dançarinos. ..Mais na moral o Michael Jackson sempre será o rei do popular, e o rei da música pop
Go back at the beginning and focus on turbos feet when moonwalking and see how smoother he was than Michael, along with the turn around he did by the females aka 4 corners.💯👍
Just gotta be kidding, after 1993, nobody could come closer to MJ moonwalk. He did not create it, but he did create how your arms had to act while doing the moonwalk, nobody cared about the arms until MJ..
Sorry guys , but MJ dances effortlessly. Shrimps seems too expend a lot of energy. Even with moonwalk, for a second I could not tell if MJ was moving forward or backwards. Can't say the same for Shrimp
RIP to PopNTaco (Hispanic dancer in this video who also taught MJ along with Boogaloo Shrimp) He passed away this weekend (July 1, 2022)
MJ better than all though
@@AC-mp7cx nope shrimp is the goat
@@thereal8467 i mean shabbadoo is better and mj is better than all but ok
When PopNTaco died?? We have Mr Wiggles, Suga Pop, Rabbit
Michael Jackson has influences like any human being. But he brought together several arts in a unique way 🙌🏾! And revolution the show world! He is the best! He is a LEGEND 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
No his ....his a tamp
It’s sad that break dancers don’t get the recognition that they deserve!
They actually do
@@CreekRiverDognot enough, so no they don’t
Boogaloo shrimp did though.
They did when they were hot - Shabba Doo & Turbo were on top of the world in the mid 80s, so to think or say that breakdancers weren't given their just dues clearly be bc u weren't around yet or was just way too young at the time to see it bc it was definitely there.
Back when breakin' came out boogaloo shrimp aka turbo was considered one of the best poppers ever. Everybody called him turbo back then..
He was THE best popper haven't seen anyone as good to this day
@@loweni7460 That is true..
And how MJ came about again?pls tell.
i wish i could travel back in time just to enjoy the 80s and etc it looks better than what it is today
I lived it, it was amazing. turn off this century ruined almost everything.
It was better. It was the dawn of the ELECTRO/COMPUTER era.. basically the beggining of the "modern" era.
@@Scientists_dont_lie ever since early 2019 everything’s been going down hill ain’t it
@@assasins_icon1771 You gotta go back a bit further than that. 2019 practically smells like yesterday.
The 80s is the best
R.I.P. to Shabba Doo, Poppin Taco & Michael Jackson. TRUE TALENT!!
It would have been mind blowing if we had the chance to see all of them together on stage. 💞
Awesome! Brings me back to the days.. Breakin' & Electricboogaloo
It was Boogaloo Shrimp that taught MJ how to moonwalk.
No it wasn't it was a dancer named jeffrey daniels who taught Michael Jackson how to do the moonwalk look it up on here
It was Jeffrey Daniels from Shalimar! Shrimp also helped Mike perfect it!
❤Boogaloo is best. The Inventor, the Master, the Phenomenon 👌
the elegance and class of Michael Jackson is what makes the whole difference
I Have to Say Boogaloo's Moon-Walk Actually Looked Smoother than the One they Showed M.J. Doing
Growing up in that era and being apart of that movement..I have to say that Boogaloo Shrimp aka Turbo is the best dancer ever followed by Mike
🤗 well said, well said
True words, facts, to the core. God too will say this on the Day of Judgment.
from that era def now days i'd say Chris Brown is the best dancer ever.
Don't forget Jeffrey Daniel or Mc Hammer for that matter !
@@EpicNinja187 foh
Love Mike, but Shrimp...WITHOUT having the benefit of a stage surface and shoes that would make it easier to slide with... daaaaaaaaamn.
The good ol days. RIP to Ozone and Mike. They perform for the lord now. We'll get them again one day.
Turbo set the stage for the moon walk Michael made it world famous .
wrong. Billy Bailey 1955, and Mr Daniels taught MJ. But I'm sure he was taught by Turbo as well.
No one can touch MJ, he is the best dancer and singer.
What I wouldn't give to see him teaching Michael Jackson to pop. Legendary.
there's a reason why mj was popular and they weren't even near as popular as him. He had style, it wasn't that no one could replicate him, when michael did it, it was different
@J Crash Do you hate him?Its just a question...because i feel like you do.Remember its just a question.
But MJ made it all shine on another level.
That's because of his socks.
@@hi-tych agree
😄 🤣
@@hi-tych 🤣😂🤣I definitely have to agree with you!
No Michael borrowed heavily FROM Turbo and the rest of the B-boy community. Sorry but MJ Moonwalked on a slick surface with penny loafers, but Turbo Moonwalked on the streets in a pair of Nikes. It looked much better than MJ.
*Why BreakDancers never get recognized that they deserved?* 👀👀
They did when they were hot - Shabba Doo & Turbo were on top of the world in the mid 80s, so to think or say that breakdancers weren't given their just dues clearly be bc u weren't around yet or was just way too young at the time to see it bc it was definitely there.
RIP Florian & Shrimp. Never got the full respect they deserved. Thanks for giving us your art
We all know now that in the early mid-80s, MJ was looking for a new identity. He saw the popping movement as his ticket. Boogaloo taught MJ, and then MJ mastered it. Now watch MJ's performances and you can see where he learned it from initially.
Let's not forget that it was Jeffrey Daniels who taught Jackson the Backslide.
But from start Jeffrey Daniels and late Turbo
and till this day Michael refuses to say that he learned it from Boogaloo he said he learned it from some street kids
I heard it was Daniels from Shalimar that taught him the moonwalk
MJ is better though
Boogaloo Shrimp:,,, the best that ever did it.
Pop'n'Taco may have something to say about that
@@JDJayDee Poppin taco is nowhere near shrimp, he couldn't even moonwalk Taco is overrated
Michael smoothest ever...
Always loving this no matter how old it gets .
Today's generation is completely lost .
This older than me but I'm stuck on the 90
Oh ok cool, well if u're "stuck in the 90," just imagine how much fun u would have if u were stuck in the 80s when Turbo & Shabba Doo were on top of the 🌎
Michael learned from the best and made it his own, and the way that HE did it was spectacular! No one can do it like him! No one!
Bill Gregory Agree! Even James Brown once said MJ was gonna be the Greatest! That's Gold coming from JB, cause I saw videos of him in his prime. Cold!
Bill Gregory 0
Very nice सर just like
Actually with a lot of hard work people can do it like him. Look up salif gueye he does it almost perfectly
MJ blew a kiss then moonwalk with his hand in his pocket....epic
Those details he added enhanced the moonwalk. It looked so raw!!!!!
Boogaloo was in a league all his own, Michael tried to get it like him but there was only one Boogaloo shrimp.
@j dolo is cc cc EDT
Naw mj made it look easy smooth
Man your eye sight is as bad as Stevie Wonder's
MJ made it his own tho. Something no other bboy could immitate or improve
The only boogaloo shrimp is Carleton from show fresh Prince of Belair..😂😂😂😂
Boogaloo's moonwalk at the beginning was the best I've EVER seen!
Michael mastered it with illusion!
Better than Jeffrey Daniels?
I agree and while wearing Chuck Taylor's on concrete!!
Boogaloo hits the tip of his toes, and MJ ball of his feet. That's the difference.
Boogalo is the best ever moonwalker I have ever seen. Since childhood I have came across a lot of moonwalks as am a die hard fan of MJ.
Yo homiesss... Let's respect and remember the true LA OG's.... Poppin forever
80’s breakdancing was the shatt. Like ipads and playstations are today 🤗
Electric ⚡️ bugaloo ws awesome. Real breakdancing.
I loved that movie.
But my favorite was Beat Street.
Oh lovely days keep us away from crime
Legends Never Die😔😔Mai bhi Ek na ek Din 2nd Michael Jackson Banke Dikhaunga Inshallah!!❤️
My heart goes out to his family! I’ll keep them in my prayers.
MICHAEL JACKSON is the best 👍💯
@@chitrasharma3742iam mj katta fan anu നിങ്ങൾ മലയാളി ano
@@navastechy it means you know everything about MJ
Yaah true
Don’t look like he did it better than the people who taught him in Breakin they did it more crisp
Turbo was our Michael.. Wow when seen for the first time.. Breakdance Hoyts George St Sydney
MFWIC Waterproofing Pty Ltd Turbo is not our Michael
What country are u from that Turbo was your Michael Jackson? Bc everywhere else in the world, Michael was Michael, not Turbo.
Mj is a very good learner, he picks up things very easily, even if it's very hard to do respect to him rip.
steven bauer Even Janet would've been as Bad as MJ if she would have really pursued it like MJ.
Hes a sponge then flips it his way
Elisa George no she would not have
@@elisageorge2261 no Michael was a prodigy
@@Silentknight052Agree I have never read a comment that 💯 truthfully nailed Michael for who he was.
0 to 5 second mark is my fav. that’s incredible
Who ever comes but mj moonwalk always make people impress
Idgaf who created what, or who taught who, Michael Jackson's moonwalk was the smoothest.
MJ legend...
【Boogaloo Shrimp - Interview (Jan 20, 2014)】 ブーガルー・シュリンプ - インタビュー
Our first meeting was very interesting. A local news show called Eye In L.A featured a segment on street dancing and this new sub culture that was happening in the city in the early 80s. And I was featured on this segment along with some other street dancers. A lady called Susan Scanlan, who had been working on this TV programme, knew the Jackson family. She told Pop N Taco and I, who was also on the segment, that Michael Jackson would like to meet us. I was just 14 at the time.
ボクたちの初対面はとても興味深いよ。『Eye In L.A』 というローカルニュース番組がストリートダンスと80年代初頭に街で起きていた、この新しいサブ・カルチャーを特集したんだ。ボクは他のストリート・ダンサーたちと一緒に、この特集に出演したんだけど、このテレビ番組で働いていたスーザン・スキャンランという女性がジャクソン・ファミリーの知り合いだった。その特集に一緒に出演したポッピング・タコとボクにマイケル・ジャクソンが会いたがっていると、彼女が言ったんだ。その時はボクはまだ14歳だった。
We ended up going to the house, and it was kind of like an audition. We got there and the whole family was there. Michael introduced himself and then took us to a rehearsal room they had in the house, and as we were dancing I saw Joe Jackson whispering to Michael on the side, and I’m sure he told him: ‘you know what? These guys are the next big thing and you need to have them as your personal coaches’.
ボクたちは彼の家に行くことになったんだけど、オーディションみたいなものかな。ボクたちが家に着いた時には、彼の家族が全員いた。マイケルは自己紹介をして、家の中にあるリハーサル・ルームにボクたちを連れて行ったんだ。そして、ボクたちが踊ってる時に、横にいるマイケルに小声で話すジョー・ジャクソンをボクは見た。 『わかるか?こいつらは次のブームになるから、こいつらをお前のパーソナル・コーチにしろ。』 って彼は言ったはずだよ。
When he did the Motown special, he worked with Jeffery Daniels, Cooley Jackson and Casper. Right after that show, I had been working out with him and he was looking to make his solo bigger. So if you go online and look at the Victory tour, which was directly after Motown 25, you will see the change in that solo. My move that you see, is when he does the Billie Jean solo, and he is stationary, doing the moonwalk in a circular flow, he doesn’t just goes backwards - that’s floating.
Michael Jackson always loved the robot. He used to do it in the 70s but I had an updated version, and he really loved that and he wanted to master my version of the robot. So him mixing those two styles, it gave him more to play with on his solos. I was always called in as like a creative consultant for his solos. Other dancers worked with him for his choreography, but I worked with him on his solos.
I worked with him from 1983 till about 1991, whenever his scheduled permitted. But he was such as genius and master of dance that we really didn’t have to work out that long. We would practiced for like an hour or so and ‘boom’ he got it. He did a lot of filming and I often wonder what happened to those tapes and whether they will ever surface.
1983年から1991年まで彼と練習した。彼のスケジュールが空いた時にね。でも彼は天才的なダンスの達人だったから、ボクたちはそんなに長く練習する必要はなかったよ。ボクたちは1時間ほど練習したら 『boom』 って感じで、彼は習得したんだ。彼はよく撮影してたんだけど、あのテープたちはどこに行っちゃったんだろうって、ボクはしょっちゅう思うんだ。いまだに日の目を見てないし。
So for 15 years I didn’t really push the issue publicly coz the whole thing about teaching Michael was to contribute to him being the greatest performer, and that’s exactly what I did. If anybody would have come out at that time and said, ‘yeah, I’m the guy behind Michael Jackson’, it would have taken credit away from him. He accomplished exactly what he wanted to do and that was to be known as one of the world’s greatest performers. Period. During that it was the people that really cared about him and respected him, that were like ‘okay, we know what we know, just let the man do what he’s gotta do’. So you didn’t hear Jeffery Daniels back then saying he taught Michael Jackson. You didn’t hear anything like that. It was years later.
15年間、このことについてボクが公に語らなかったのは、マイケルに教えたことのすべては、最も偉大なパフォーマーとしての彼への貢献だったから。それがボクがやったことだよ。もし、あの頃に誰かが表に出て、『そうだよ。ボクがマイケル・ジャクソンの後ろにいる男だよ。』 なんて言ったら、彼からクレジットが奪い去られてしまうだろ。この世で最も偉大なパフォーマーの一人として知られるために、彼はやりたいことを完全にやり遂げた。そういうことだよ。彼のことを気にかけて、彼のことを尊敬している人たちは、『いいよ。オレたちはわかってるんだから。彼の好きなようにやらせておけよ。』 っていう感じだった。だから、ジェフリー・ダニエルがマイケル・ジャクソンに教えていたなんて話を聞いたことないでしょ。そんなことは何も聞いてないでしょ。それはずっと後のことだよ。
It did hurt me at times, as there were moments when I really needed it, like when I was looking around for work… And there were opportunities for it to be put out there. Like when Michael did that interview with Oprah Winfrey back in 1993, she specifically asked him, ‘Michael, who taught you the moonwalk?’ And he said he had been working three kids in the ghetto, three different dancers. And then he said he perfected it. That was a chance for him to let us all shine as co-contributors, but he kind of skipped over it (laughs). I guess he felt he didn’t need to name us publicly since we were already known in our own right. But I’m glad that stuff is starting to come out. I see a lot of artists who used to work with him stepping out of the shadows, and it helps me to get work and be acknowledged by a lot of people who looked up to Michael.
時々、つらかったよ。ボクが仕事を求めてあちこち歩き回っていた頃なんかは、つらい時があった。表舞台に出る機会があったはずなんだけど。例えば、1993年にマイケルがオプラ・ウィンフリーとやったインタビューで、彼女が 『マイケル、誰があなたにムーンウォークを教えたの?』 って聞いた時なんか。でも、彼はゲットーの3人の子供たち、3人のダンサーたちと練習したって言った。そして、彼がそれを完成させたと言ったんだ。あれはボクたち全員を貢献者として光り輝かせる彼のチャンスだったのに、彼はそれを無視したんだ。すでにボクたちは個別に知られていたから、彼はボクたちの名前を公に言う必要はないと思ったんじゃないかな。でも、そういう事実が表に出始めていることが、ボクは嬉しいんだ。彼と仕事をしていたアーティストたちが陰から出て来るのが見えるし、それによってボクは仕事が得られるようになって、マイケルを尊敬していたたくさんの人たちに知られるようなったんだ。
I didn’t push the issue because I didn’t have the right representation, but I also didn’t say too much as I wanted to keep the working relationship with these artists. But if I did have a manager they definitely would have pushed for me to get more credit. But I guess all I can do now is speak on it and hopefully help younger artists. The best thing I can say to them is when you work with known artists, go in with representation so you can at least come out of that job and put it on your resume, and as a result be able to raise the amount you get paid.
Beautiful Mind Thriller was shot in OCTOBER 13, 1983.
Beautiful Mind
Thriller (Michael Jackson album)
Singles from Thriller (Release date)
1."The Girl Is Mine"
Released: October 18, 1982
2."Billie Jean"
Released: January 2, 1983
3."Beat It"
Released: February 14, 1983
4."Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
Released: May 8, 1983
5."Human Nature"
Released: July 3, 1983
6."P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)"
Released: September 19, 1983
Released: January 23, 1984
Thriller was the last single.
And the video was released in Nov 1983.
Beautiful Mind You really thought that Budweiser Superfest which Michael Jackson appeared on in August 1982 was Michael Jackson's tour?
Beautiful Mind >> the Robot dance Michael always was doing these dances since 70s he is the inventor
Robot (dance)
The robot was created in 1967.
Roboting gained fame after Michael Jackson used the dance when he performed "Dancing Machine" with his brothers
Beautiful Mind
Jeffery Daniel "At the Motown 25th when he did the Billie Jean, that's the first time Michael did it."
So where is the video that shows MJ's Moonwalk before Motown 25?
Mj is the best ever
Remember without michael chamber, can MJ do it?
Fun Fact: The Electro Rock guys in the first movie were backup dancers in the Michael Jackson movie: Captain Eo
I love the way all youtubers compares other dancer to mj in their videos!
Its the real proof that mj was the greatest than greatests!!
RIP Michael💓
Ashu Bhatt greatest freestyle dancer?.....no....just no. He was so repetitive and half of his dances he was taught as an adult...... Nowhere near the greatest.
Maybe because he was the most famous...
Yung Drizzy fame doesn't always mean that your better.
Ashu Bhatt dude street kids were doing the moonwalk and gliding long before Michael made it world wide.
I'm a big MJ fan, but I'll admit, MJ was very repetitive. Every concert and show pretty much had the same choregraphy. For example his Dangerous routine.
this is a known fact that as a teen back in the day he taught micheal how to strobe and moonwalk and NEVER got the proper pay or respect for it.
LXRYLXRYTV thank you its obvious
Michael learnt from kids on the street and enhanced it. Michael was humble enough to say he was not the first to do it why cant others be the same.
tom smith BULLSHIT, How can Michael enhanced it when people can clearly see that the boy who taught was way better
Emanuel Collado Oh shut up! Jeffrey Daniels taught Michael Jackson the moonwalk
@@pspvita12 Why didn't Michael admit that he actually hired those street dancers to teach him, and that he didn't invent or enhanced nothing
Michael Jackson number one
Breakin was such a good movie 💯
The break dancers are true innovators, but MJ was the truth as an innovator!
Exceptional piece of art
The legend: MICHAEL JACKSON👏😎♥️💯🔥🔥👍🖖👽🕺👣☀️🐐♍🎼🥇🎤❓ENIGMA.
Galing mo pre
West Coast L.A. Pop Lockin' 1980s style
If you don't know the true story. BOO was MJ teacher.
Tribute to the 80's !
MJ got his skills from James Brown and BBoys.
Who are the BBoys?
Turbo is a best moonwalk
Bravo por los dos.
Michael Jackson 👏👏👏
Rockville Md 1985 - 86 popping breakdancing competitions at White Flint Mall and Congressional plaza ,off Rockville Pike, 15 minutes from DC back in the day!!
MJ..... student that turned into the master.
Sorry but when it comes to the Moonwalk & Pop Locking Turbo is the master. Michael is just more famous.
MJ just did it on a bigger stage. Guys like Boogaloo and Jeffrey Daniels are the true masters.
True true....I love watching all of them
Como fã de Michael Jackson ele era, o tipo de cara que aperciova os erros,os desqualidade de outros dançarinos. ..Mais na moral o Michael Jackson sempre será o rei do popular, e o rei da música pop
Princess Diana thank
And who exactly are u referring to in terms of dancers who made mistakes?
Go back at the beginning and focus on turbos feet when moonwalking and see how smoother he was than Michael, along with the turn around he did by the females aka 4 corners.💯👍
Turbos the oggg💯💯
Just gotta be kidding, after 1993, nobody could come closer to MJ moonwalk. He did not create it, but he did create how your arms had to act while doing the moonwalk, nobody cared about the arms until MJ..
@@EcknerMJRamos seriously no just no
Also Jackson did the neck and head movements to add to the illusion.
@@carlthomason4038 Everybody knows that... But no one cares, cause nobody could moonwalk better than MJ after 1992...
Love this song....
jackson legend
It's a shame that those two didn't perform on stage together. A double moonwalk would've brought the house down.
Even decide the Toppest, in the fotofinish.
Boogaloo Shrimp would of outshined Michael Jackson!
Umm, no sweetheart, not "one of," but THE BEST EVER, PERIOD.
MJ owns them all !!!
i'm sorry shrimpi.....but MJ is another level
Fun fact: boogaloo was"urkbot" on family matters
Thats a dope ass fact. Never knew 🔥🔥🔥
Family issues running on stage
Sorry guys , but MJ dances effortlessly. Shrimps seems too expend a lot of energy. Even with moonwalk, for a second I could not tell if MJ was moving forward or backwards. Can't say the same for Shrimp
It says AND not vs
I heard that MJ learn from Poppin Taco ( the guy in grey t shirt in this clip). Poppin became MJ teacher.
They showing video of old Mike. Show Pepsi tour 1984 Mike side by side with turbo breaking 1985
What the link
Thanks 👌👍
What's old will become new this is the circle of life
Michael Jackson is best and he is a legend
Michael Jackson é o único Mas valeu a imitação escutando Michael Jackson em 2020 em 2021 ok
Michael is the perfectionist
No one was, is, will be like MJ
Kraftwerk Tour Da France!! GOOD MUSIC
Michael Jackson is best 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏🚶 moonwalk is best
Michael jackson are always best
What country are u from?
I don’t give a crap. No one will do it better than michael
Sometimes imitation is the greatest form of flattery....
0:27 he may not be the originator but damn he is the best to ever do it
Turbo was awesome to watch
I mean Mike weas bad, but look how clean that sidewalk was
You got your 600th like. Wicked awesome video
Boogaloo shrimp is the one who I am looking to be like
michael jackson eo melhor na dança ecomo ser humano ,,,, gente e top 😙😙 eo cara 😍😍
Michael jakchan
Old is gold
Lil Baby looks like he could be Boogaloo Shrimp's son...
Mike is Mike the greatest entertainer. Boogaloo was the living persona of poplock. Mike would have gotten destroyed on a battle.
Thank You
So awesome.
Como não perder tempo vendo esses vídeos do monstro do Maicon
Michaels 1995 MTV AWARDS old man walk was skitz!
Mj is elegant..
Michael is best
Michael is always best
Wow that guy is from the electric boogalo movie.watch it way back as a kid
Turbo used to be the man!!
RIP Shabadoo.